Join me live in-person or via Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:15 – 6:15 PST at St. Thomas Episcopal Church on 1465 Coburg Rd in Eugene, OR  (Across the street from Safeway where the Growing Gardens are located.

Or join us virtually via this Zoom link   

Meeting ID: 944 1299 8143
Password: 511361

Cost: $8-15/ class
payable via my Paypal or Venmo: @Julia-Siporin

Yoga for Healthy BONES – 7 wk series
March 20 – May 1, 2021.
Saturdays, 10:30 – 11:45 AM (PST)
$70 **

I’m excited to offer a new updated 7-week series, “Yoga for Osteoporosis”, March 20 – May 1, 2021. I now have an additional certification from Dr. Loren Fishman to teach this course. Sign up soon! Please share this page with others.

Whether you prefer working from a chair or are comfortable practicing from the floor as well as standing, I will present various ways to practice each of the poses Dr. Fishman recommends.  By the end, you will have a 15-minute home routine with a handout which, if practiced daily can improve or at least maintain your bone density.   You will learn principles that you can apply to any yoga practice to take it up a notch to support your bone health.   Win-Win!!

During our first class, I will share my Powerpoint presentation about the why’s and how’s of yoga for osteoporosis based on Dr. Fishman’s research with time for us to get acquainted.   The remainder of the classes will be yoga practices based on his research infused with the valuable principles I have learned from Alignment Yoga.

To register, send $70 to me in one of 3 ways:
• Venmo: @Julia-Siporin
• Mail: (send me an email if you need this option – [email protected])

** Email me  ([email protected]) if you need a lower rate due to economic hardship. I feel strongly about getting this valuable course material out for everybody’s benefit. ❤❤❤

Registration Now Open for My 6-Week Series:
Yoga for Healthy Aging – starts Nov. 10, 2020

Click HERE to register.



Years ago, I became concerned about my bone density, and saw how some people much older than I enjoyed vibrant vitality and well-being. “THAT’S what I want!” My studies led me to certifications with Dr. Baxter Bell & Dr. Loren Fishman, medical doctors & yoga therapists who specialize in these topics. Their techniques have shown measurable results in my own body and I want to share this info with you.


I’m offering a six-week series via Zoom through Eugene Yoga called “Yoga for Healthy Aging” on Tuesdays, 5:30 – 6:45 pm, from November 10 – December 15, 2020. $70



Even better, if that time isn’t good for you, you can watch the video at your own convenience for 3 days after the class!


There will be a ~15 minute Powerpoint presentation on a particular topic related to healthy aging (flexibility, strength & cardio, balance & agility, bone density, brain and equanimity practices to help our nervous system deal with the challenges of being a human on this journey) followed by corresponding a yoga practice. You will be provided handouts to help you create and sustain a 15+ minute home yoga practice to meet your needs.


Please share this with friends who might be interested in this series – even if they’re new to yoga!





To register, click on the link below or call Eugene Yoga at 541.520.8771

Separate Yet Together
While holing up in our own caves, we can still share space and time through yoga. Separate yet together!

Online and Feeling FINE!



1) Join me live on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30 PST via this Zoom link   

Meeting ID: 944 1299 8143
Password: 511361

Cost: $5-$8 sliding scall / class  payable via my Paypal
or Venmo:  @Julia-Siporin


2) Catch the recordings of those classes on my YogAwareness Vimeo Channel!

Cost: $5-8 / class  payable via my Paypal
or Venmo: @Julia-Siporin

Super easy!

If you are financially-stressed, you can take my classes for free or pay what you can.


4) Online Private Yoga sessions using Zoom… HALF price.  This can be a great time to learn yoga from the comfort of your own home!
Send me an email to [email protected]


So… from my cave to yours, we’ll get through this together! I hope to see you LIVE for some of these classes.  Please feel free to invite your friends and family or anyone you think might benefit from these offerings! Just copy the web page URL and send it to them!    I’m sending YOU wishes of good health, peace and patience!

Coming at Your Immune System from a Different Angle – LITERALLY!


I am hearing how important it is to relax and not stress out.  That can be easier said than done.  In today’s hour-long yoga class, we’ll apply some simple, yet perhaps unusual techniques to work with the cranial nerves that come together at the brainstem.  Working in this way can induce a physiological response which promotes a calming response in our nervous system.


As an added benefit, by destressing your mind, you’ll be able to think and problem-solve more efficiently.  You may have noticed that we don’t always make the best decisions when we’re stressed.

Click here to view this video.

Sometimes the chains that bind us are a good thing!

Chair Yoga to Support Your Immune System


Chair Yoga is for anyone… if you don’t feel like getting down on the floor, this is perfect!  Today, I’m offering a 50 minute routine to boost your vitality and resilience!  Get yourself a chair and click on this link to begin!

Mindful Moments

Mindfulness Moments:  Breathing into Anxiety


Getting news updates throughout the day can have a negative effect on our nervous system steering one toward anxiety. This “social virus” does not heed the 6′ rule.


Dr. Jud Brewer, addiction psychiatrist and neuro-researcher used the metaphor of strolling through the crowded social news media streets as akin to being socially-sneezed on. Unfortunately, your immune system takes a hit from this not-so-metaphorical social virus.


In today’s 4 min. Mindful Moment, I offer a technique that helps simultaneously dissolve that unnecessary tension and reground into the steadiness of being in your body – whenever and wherever.


Click here to try this free technique out in my 4 min. video.




Mindful Moment:  Five Finger Breathing


It doesn’t get much easier than this folks. Take a one minute break right now to practice this calming breathing technique called “Five Finger Breathing”

Click here to watch (free)!


YogAwareness Films Presents: “Building Resilience for a Healthy Immune System”

Your lymphatic system helps defend your body from infections.  It has no pump of it’s own and requires movement to keep it’s fluids flowing.   If you’re sitting more than usual, take 30 minutes to get that stagnant fluid flowing again with this special immune boosting yoga sequence.    It’s appropriate whether you are new to yoga or are a long-time practitioner. No special props required.
Click here to start watching. 



May all beings be healthy, resilient, and kind to all beings and the Earth herself in every imaginable way!




Previous Special Events


(Does this make me trilingual?)


Get yourself a pair of cat ears (Hirons) as this gentle yoga class to benefit Greenhill Humane Society is going to be fun! Leave your serious side at home.
Definitely sign up with a (human) friend!


Warning: Wandering curious kitties may try to adopt you.



Let me know if you’d like to include some yoga at your next special event!

• It can be a great conference break-out session or 15 minute mini-break.

• Planning a group retreat at the coast? Build in some yoga time.

• Wedding Rehearsal Dinner? How about some yoga beforehand with your loved ones (with chair yoga options for grandparents). What a memory that would make!

• Regular group meetings – Consider beginning with a 30 minute group yoga session once in awhile to help get your body stretched and your mind focused for the task ahead.

• Book Group? Forget book group! Do some yoga once a year with your pals.

• Perhaps you would like one of my 5 week yoga series at your business site.

• What creative ideas are you playing with right now to bring yoga into your world?

Contact me here to if you have questions or to book a special event.