Defrost your Ribs and Diaphragm

With temperatures dropping at this time of year, we tend to huddle up and lock down our rib cage, and probably the neck is getting scrunched as well. Brrr!!!!! It's chilly!   The thing is, to enjoy the benefits of inner peace and a contentment, we...

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Chakra Alignment

Try adding this into your morning routine:  Go outside, face the sun, and lift your arms overhead.  Bring a moment of deep awareness to each chakra; start from the bottom and affirm these truths to yourself:  I am safe.  I am creative. I am strong. ...

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Radical Acceptance; Tara Brach

Often, at the beginning of a new year, people make resolutions to improve themselves - as if something is wrong with us and needs to be fixed. If this strategy has come up short, consider trying something different.  The benefits of extending self-kindness and compassion...

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